Week 21: Work in progress
Second last final week... See you for final reveal...
Second last final week... See you for final reveal...
New week and more building at the mezzanine. Monday morning we had a review of the booklet, and got good feedback and new things to work...
We started the week continuing the progress of the design of the ramp/mezzanine. We decided to go for making a ramp that covers the whole...
Monday 29.05.2019 We used the day finishing the blog post for Copenhagen Study trip and made the cardboard model in 1:20 of the...
The last day was a mixture of visits about accessibility and sensory experience. We also had the chance to have a meeting with force4...
The second day was challenging our senses in very focussed ways. Light, shadows, noises, steepness and multiple other ways are...
During the first day in Copenhagen, we focused our visit on buildings that architects designed with a lot of attention on universal...
On Tuesday, April 26th, we had the privilege to present the draft of our booklet to Santiago DeWaele, who works as a head technical team...
NOTATION [1]noun noun: notation; plural noun: notations 1. a series or system of written symbols used to represent numbers, amounts, or...
Pier Vittorio Aureli Life, Abstracted: Notes on the Floor Plan The Sebastiano Serlio, plan from Castrametation of the Romans, 1551-54,...
Oblique adjective 1. at an angle; slanting; sloping 2. geometry a.(of lines, planes, etc) neither perpendicular nor parallel to one...
Introduction Ramps change political systems, trigger revolution...ramps announce a new age, a new art, a new lifestyle, even a new...
Insight noun [ C or U ] UK ​ /ˈɪn.saɪt/ US ​ /ˈɪn.saɪt/​ C1 (the ability to have) a clear, deep, and sometimes sudden understanding of a...
This week we have a midterm review on Monday with special guests Tina T Larsen from Husbanken. Following the next day with the common...
Gustavo Elisabeth Tanguy Hanne Praewa Han
Since we have had cross course this week, we have not worked so much with our individual work. Tanguy's work in progress: The framing...
Week 12 we had cross course at school, from Tuesday until Thursday. We joined different courses. Cross Course: Getting your hands dirty....
Praewa's work in progress. She's finding a relationship from the last phrase of stairs exploration of space and connecting zoom in of...
Wednesday, the 13th of March, we had a pleasant meeting/workshop with Dino and David. The day was filled with interesting talks and...
ALGORITHM [1] noun 1 A process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a...