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Week 9: Work in Progress

BAS_Open Space

Dernière mise à jour : 4 mars 2019

Elisabeth's work in progress. Showing the noise and sounds that dominates in the space. Starting with one color - orange - for everything, but with different form expression - but to make it clearer I used different colors.

Elisabeth has also worked further with the situation at the Mezzanine. The wall has been turned a few degrees to open up the passage from the staircase (from the hall) into the mezzanine. Some reflecting surfaces has been placed on the other side of the wall, to reflect the light in the darkest part of the mezzanine, and also to the shadow side of the wall. The thought was to make the communication better and easier for people with hearing issues (like Arvid) : make it possible to face the dark side of the room - not having to face the window wall - while talking. To make this possible: one solution would be to install some light-reflecting objects, to make it easier for Arvid to read our lips.

It would have been nice to invite Arvid and check if it could work.

Next step is to combine the existing wall and the reflective surfaces into one installation - and not two, as it is today.

The different materials used in this installation, to study which material that was the most reflective.

- a colorful surface ; not a very good reflection

- mirror : good reflection

- glass : good reflection

- a blank metal plate : good reflection

- a matt metal plate : ok reflection

The drawing with the photos has also been developed. I found a way to show the different pictures into the plane and section. (Showing the camera width in the plan, and the camera/eye's height in the section.)

Further, I will work with a new drawing, to be even more precise and explore new qualities of the space.

Tanguy's work in progress. Following standing up in the light, and the drawing preparation comes the actual first experimentation with ropes.

This enabler device reduces the stress on the legs during the motion. Yet, another solution can be think to stimulate the rest of the body to get up, and maybe use by an other part of the population.

Further exploration and build will come text week as shown on the drawing below...

Han's work in progress. The concept of box is from "Panopticon" and the size depends on my body movement. In the box, I created a private space in the middle of space between mezzanine and ground floor and I cut several small holes around the walls to look at different parts of it.

For next step, I am thinking about doing collage through the different size of holes with background.

Hannes work in progress.

Working further with the understanding of the mezzanine through manipulation in the panorama. Among others has the widows and openings been zoomed in to show the qualities of the space both inside and outside of the room. The plan explains where the pictures have been taken and how they have been changed in the panorama to give an impression on how the room could be.

The panorama with zoomed qualities

Some of the zoomed in details

A continued panorama with focus on the translucent wall. Further to work on the openings in the both ends of the mezzanine which gives a new direction for the movement jumping and a beginning on a spatial intervention.

Zoomed in details from the translucent wall

Praewa's work in progress. I have focused on different elements of the stairs from each of the handrails, steps from parallel view and vertical view and the landing. Even though all the pictures had attempted to keep the same position every step but a human cannot be hundred percents precision yet it creates flaws. The combination of imprecision pictures leads to various ways of perceiving the stairs. I carefully look closely to individual elements and how some part could give a potential to develop element as an enabler or as a potential to design intervention in a further step. I would like to focus the next step in relation to elements of the landing of the stair.

Gustavo's work in progress.

I started this week with a deeper study of the body mapping to understand the relation of my body in the space to later implement my movement in the mezzanine.

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