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Week 7: Meeting with Trine

BAS_Open Space

Dernière mise à jour : 22 févr. 2019

Tuesday 12/02

We had a meeting with Trine who is studying in BAS now. She has issue of pelvic pain that cause her can not stand for long time. She described that her body is like a battery, when it run out of electricity, then, she can not stand anymore. Beside, she also said some factors that could make her feel painful, for instance, when weather become rainy it changes temperature and humidity, then, the electricity of battery become shorter than sunny day.

We visited Mezzanine together and she showed us some parts that if we can add something it would help her a lot to feel better.
We all visited the Mezzanine together and Trine gave us some suggestion that if we can add something in Mezzanine it would help her feel better a lot.

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