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Week 6: Space Mapping

BAS_Open Space

Dernière mise à jour : 15 févr. 2019

Monday 04/02 at 1300 we had the weekly Skype meeting with Vibeke.

Gustavo, Praewa and Han are joining a workshop in Liechtenstein, arranged by the school.

Discussing the work and program of this week.

Tuesday 05/02. Elisabeth has continued her body map drawing, making it more voluminous and three dimensional.

07/02 Elisabeth's work in progress, Space Mapping, workshop 2.

Making a spatial collage of pictures.

Behind the "scenes". Building a "ramp" to get higher up to see over the wall.

07/02 Tanguy's work in progress, Space Mapping, workshop 2.

07/02 Hannes work in progress. Picture collage to describe the qualities of the space.

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