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Inclusive spatial practice

BAS_Open Space

Dernière mise à jour : 15 janv. 2019

Different people with different needs, should be? able to live in a common world. Many citizens have experience with exclusion and prejudice in modern society through institutionalization and discrimination. Being a citizen in a society is about sharing in common benefits, duties and responsibilities. In our capitalist society, excluded people are usually people who neither produce nor consume as expected. People who experienced exclusion, are seen as an economic burden for family and the community. Through history some people could not immigrate because of their physical and mental challenges. Today we might not realize that the problem still occurs.

Excluded people begin to see their lives as “unworthy lives”. This is why the included people need to show empathy, and see everybody as individuals, not “the others”. Each individual needs to expand their understanding of the challenges of other people and understand that everyone is different, with different challenges. It’s important that everyone is a part of a community and everyone counts in decisions that are made. We are all a part of a community with responsibilities and public benefits.

'' Self respected society '' in society?

If we can change the way we think that it is not the fault of the society that put the obstacle there but because the disability disabled? may not be able to produce or consume the same as the rest?. The more society uses terms like "You are handicapped", The more it becomes an obstacle, it brings the question of who actually creates the problem? How can we remove this obstacle? or How can we remove the feeling of something being wrong? Functional impairment is a part of human life's experience diversity, while disability constitutes the obstacles that can arise in the interaction between man and environment. The way people look at inabilities is important because it could change the whole equation.

"Buildings" and "open spaces" are often built for perfect and independent people which, makes two different worlds. To be more aware of the problem when we look at Institutions without a notion of universal design became a place where disabled or ailing citizens are isolated from the local community and have difficulties to achieve equality and citizenship. An inclusive community cannot only focus on a majority. Nussbaum (Nussbuam, 2004) anchors her thinking in an understanding of human absolute value. As humans, we are all equal in dignity, and this dignity can be violated, but not abolished. Further more to be considered, according to Kirsten Simensen (Simonsen 2010): A room can and exclude individuals. Individuals have different feelings whether they are part of the society or not, even though they are in the same space.

" It’s not you and me - it’s we."


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