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Week 8: Spatial Dialogue

Tuesday 26th of February, we had a review of our work with Cecilie, Charlotte and Vibeke. Everyone received good and useful feedback that will help our work in progress.

Elisabeth's exhibition, built a ramp as a tool for photography to see over the wall, and get around the wall. Using plan drawing and axonometric to show where the pictures have been taken - in which height and what direction. Elisabeth will work further with the drawing (make section) to make it more clear, and to explore even more the space and the action in the space.

Tanguy's exhibition challenge his surrounding space from his initial position in the mezzanine. He deconstruted the space into primary shape that represente focus view or the edge oh the human sight. In the future, he will think a way to enable people with less strenght to do is initial movement about getting up into the light starting from the groundfloor. He will of course record it through his home made device.

Hannes exhibition is an image manipulation. The panorama is edited with zoomed images of important elements in the room. Together, the image becomes wishful thinking - to enhance the qualities and possibilities. The plan are added to show how the pictures of the windows are taken - close to get the details.

Praewa's exhibition is focusing on the connection the mezzanine space from the same plane ( by drone) with 3 different degrees. The first camera view is parallel to the ground then 45 degrees angles last 90 degrees angles. She connected all images at first and as a result, each angle gave 2 views point of the same space. After first tried she connect them all together edges by edges, layers over layers of the same object yet from another perspective. She also considered seeing a space in three-dimensional to test out if it could give more understanding to the mezzanine space.

Han's exhibition is looking for a new perspective to perceive the mezzanine. The site is in the center of whole space not only for mezzanine. Through the frame to watch space, we can focus on the details of space. I also merge the body movement into the frame, so we get different size of frames. Now I am trying to do more experiment to find out more possibilities of design.

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